What is Whole-Hearted Eating™?

Whole-Hearted Eating™ is…

a way of eating and living that is free from reserve and hesitation. It allows you to learn the signals of your unique body, enjoy what you’re eating without shame and guilt, all the while showing yourself a big old dose of compassion. It takes into consideration that we’re complex beings with unique needs - we’re not all one size, so this can’t be a one-size-fits-all approach.

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How do we get there?

The Four Pillars of Whole-Hearted Eating™

Food Neutrality

Honor that there is no morality around food. All foods are welcome without judgement. But even more importantly, judgement of self for food choices is met with compassion, understanding, and curiosity rather than hostility

Body Neutrality


The deep embodiment that self-worth is disconnected from the size, shape, or weight of your body

Intentional Eating


Bases eating choices attuned with your body’s signals, needs and desires without judgement or control. Brings neutral, clinical (evidenced-based) nutrition into the equation and allows for the potential for chronic illness or symptom management with food in a non-restrictive, integrative/holistic way



We live in a diet, weight controlled obsessed culture where we will be challenged every step of the way (even after we feel like we’ve mastered this.). Embodying a resilience practice is necessary for longevity.

Check out the Whole-Hearted Eating™ Academy