Meet Dana.


 Dana Monsees, MS, CNS, LDN

Specialties | Gut Disorders. Adrenal Fatigue & Hormonal Imbalances. Binge Eating.

True health and healing go so much deeper than food and exercise - and your relationship with food and body image can act as a powerful aid or roadblock to long-term health and healing.

I learned the hard way

from years of running my stressed-out, perfectionist, type-A personality self into the ground, thinking I was being “healthy” by over-exercising and under-eating - which eventually turned into an eating disorder. I ended up with a host of chronic health conditions that I worked on for years, including leaky gut, parasites and candida, hypothyroidism, adrenal exhaustion, amenorrhea, celiac disease, and a handful of severe food sensitivities. When I finally got through it all and truly healed my relationship with food and my body by kicking the all-or-nothing mentality to the curb, I knew I wanted to work with clients with stories like mine so I could help them out of this burnout-driven health vortex.

So I quit my job in politics, went back to school to get a degree in Health Coaching and then a Masters’ in Clinical Nutrition and Integrative Health, and over the years developed the Whole-Hearted Eating™ philosophy (with Cristina!) to fill a huge void we saw in both the integrative health and intuitive eating worlds.

Now, I help my clients get out of the elimination diet yo-yo cycle and heal from the root cause of chronic symptoms by combining neutral nutrition and integrative health with deep mindset work on their body image and relationship with food - which both play a huge role in health.

Over the years I’ve worked with clients on health challenges from adrenal fatigue and burnout, leaky gut/intestinal permeability, other gastrointestinal conditions like SIBO, parasites, candida and celiac disease, thyroid dysfunction, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, to binge eating.

Does this sound like you?

You’re struggling with gut issues, hormonal imbalances, and feeling totally burned out. You’ve tried protocol after protocol to try and figure out your food sensitivities, your gut issues, and everything else - but nothing seems to stick, and now even just trying to figure out all your health stuff is stressful (on top of everything else you have going on in life)! You’re feeling trapped in your body that just doesn’t feel like you anymore. You know you probably need to make some nutritional changes, but you’re done with this all-or-nothing stuff. 

You’ve come to the right place.

Book a complimentary discovery session below to see how we can work together.

Client testimonials

“I remember being 10 years old, wearing a bikini to the lake and not even noticing how many rolls my stomach created when I sat on the edge of the dock. Now at 26 years old, you brought that girl back out of me. Quitting dieting allowed me to quit binge eating, quit labeling food as good and bad, quit pretending I was allergic to gluten and dairy, quit the negative self talk about my body, and quit the guilt and shame around food.” - Melissa

“Usually, googling what’s wrong with you can lead to a panic attack- but thankfully, I was able to find Dana instead of webMD. To see her story of coming from such a difficult situation to thriving and being able to help others was truly inspiring. Talking to Dana is like talking to a good friend who also just so happens to be giving you advice on how to better yourself through food. She not only gave me an incredible wealth of knowledge to expand upon, but also the confidence to believe, for the first time in a long time, that I would be okay; maybe even better than that.” – Ellie C.

“Dana’s coaching truly has been life altering for me. Prior to seeing Dana for digestive issues, I suffered from SIBO, a slow moving digestive system, insomnia and lethargy. She provided me with a comprehensive plan that included recipes, techniques to improve my sleep, and movement guidance. She is knowledgeable and very caring – she really made our sessions fun. Through her knowledge and coaching my stomach has healed – I am finally enjoying eating again, I am sleeping better and have much more energy. Thanks her to I’m living a happy, healthy life again!” – Margaret S.

Read more about our philosophy